One Stop Renovation Co-op (OSR-coop)
In 2022 EcoVision (or Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative as we were called then) was successful in securing EU Funding through the EU LIFE-2021-CET (LIFE Clean Energy Transition) as a member of a consortium of other citizen energy cooperatives.
The ‘One Stop Renovation Co-op’ (OSR-Coop) project will see the further development and piloting of three cooperative One-stop-shop (OSS) building renovation services into integrated services with a focus on deep renovation for households. For all 3000+ European citizen energy cooperatives and communities (‘cooperatives’/’coops’) to be able to learn from the project and to support replication of the developed model, an easily accessible replication toolkit and training will be created and disseminated within this project throughout Europe.

Our Partners

REScoop is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. They represent a growing network of 2,250 European energy cooperatives and 1,500,000 citizens who are active in the energy transition.